A map for navigation that delineates a portion of the sea, indicating the outline of the coasts and the position of rocks, sandbanks and other parts of a sea.
Maultsby stood next to the navigationchart, describing the air-sampling mission and indicating his planned route to the North Pole.
Executive Jet is using the iPad as an alternative to paper navigationcharts.
Boeing said its agreement with state carrier Iran Air covered airplane parts, manuals, drawings, service bulletins, navigationcharts and data.
The flier was a common Arrakis model; the compass, weathersat linkage, and navigationcharts guided him back to Arrakis City.
Mr Greenland said the aim was to update navigationcharts especially as shipping and cruise liner operations were expected to increase.
Uso de nautical chart em inglês
In 2016 Linz updated the relevant nauticalchart to include the reserve.
Three uniformed men were hunched over a nauticalchart, looking grave.
In 2005, husband and wife team, May-Britt and Edvard, discovered a different part of the brain which acts more like a nauticalchart.
These soundings, along with surf and beach observations, are used to generate nearshore hydrographic survey charts, complete with standard nauticalchart references and symbols.
We shook hands and he showed me into the office, where another meteorologist, Mark Stonestreet, sat at a computer, a nauticalchart unfurled beside him.
The walls were massed with nauticalcharts drawn before America was a word.
But the nauticalcharts with monsters probably weren't the ones taken to sea and actually used for navigation.
Nauticalcharts, globes, pictures of Dreadnoughts, and things appertaining to naval warfare practically filled up all the available space.
The NauticalChart gives all that information, so that it saves a large amount of work in making the calculations.
In medieval times, monsters appear on two kinds of maps: mappaemundi, or small schematic maps of the world, and nauticalcharts.
They also say his nauticalcharts were not appropriate and not detailed enough to reveal obstacles including the rock on which the fatal impact occurred.
Armed with his spy-glass, by the aid of his nauticalcharts, he attempts to ascertain, by the position of the stars, its longitude and latitude.
Again, compared to the toys Jones gave him, it was like being an ancient sailor following nauticalcharts that had been roughed out on papyrus.